
Year: 2024

How to get involved at The Greater Boston Food Bank

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Damien’s has utilized this GBFB grant to open a new food pantry and warehouse facility that will transform the way it serves people in Plymouth County, particularly in the Wareham, Brockton, and New Bedford areas.

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Behind the scenes at GBFB, amidst the towers of food and bustling volunteers, lies a sweet story of dedication and compassion. It’s the story of people like Merrill Forman, who have found purpose, community, and fulfillment in giving back.

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DeeAnn’s story resembles countless others, illustrating the resilience of the human spirit amidst hardship. DeeAnn and her daughter embody the unwavering determination to overcome, empowered by the nourishment they receive through food and community support.

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Stefano Mancini, a Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow with the Congressional Hunger Center, reflects on his time working at The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) where he spent five months supporting GBFB’s advocacy efforts.

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At the heart of BJ’s mission lies a profound purpose—to help families meet their essential needs—by providing access to nutritious food and supporting education, health, and wellness.

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GBFB CEO and President, Catherine D’Amato, was the keynote speaker the 2024 commencement for The Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.

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An essential part of our partnerships is The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB)’s Community Investment Grant Program, designed to empower its network of agency partners to expand their reach and impact.

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GBFB was honored to receive bibs from the Boston Athletic Association’s Bank of America Boston Marathon® Official Charity Program—paving the way for our Hunger Heroes team.

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As a healthcare company, Biogen understands the importance of reliable access to fresh, nutritious food for overall health and well-being.

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