
Make the Most of Seasonal Produce: Freeze It!

Published on August 11, 2022

Produce that is in season is typically cheaper than during other times of the year. Late summer local fruit includes peaches, berries, and melons. If you have extra space in your freezer, you can take advantage of the fresh, seasonal produce and store it until you’re ready to use it.

Freezing foods stops the growth of the microorganisms that spoil food. The National Resource Defense Council says, “It’s like pressing the pause button.”

Here’s how to freeze fruit:

  • Wash thoroughly.
  • Prepare the fruit like you are about to eat it. Remove any inedible parts, such as pits or stems.
  • Cut fruit into bite-sized pieces or leave whole if the fruit is small (e.g. berries).
  • Freeze fruit in a single layer on a baking sheet. Small pieces freeze better and faster than large chunks or whole fruit.
  • Once frozen solid, move the fruit into a plastic storage bag for long-term storage.

Frozen fruit should be used frozen or defrosted in the refrigerator. Blend frozen fruit into a smoothie, or use instead of ice to cool a drink. Try topping pancakes or waffles with defrosted fresh fruit all year round!



Check out the latest issue of Nutritious Bytes to learn more about food and recipes.

August 2022: Make the most of Seasonal Produce: Freeze it! Smoky Peanut Chicken Tacos, Roasted Zucchini Salad, Bean Benefits + more

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