
Working Together to Help the Southcoast Thrive

Published on April 28, 2021

Thanks to friends like you, GBFB supports a hunger-relief network of more than 600 local pantries, shelters, and other organizations. In the Southcoast region, our “boots on the ground” belong to the YMCA, a champion of good health for more than 160 years. In that time, YMCA Southcoast has never faced a greater test than the coronavirus pandemic. But they’ve not only risen to the challenge—they’ve set a remarkable goal for 2021!

With GBFB’s support, YMCA Southcoast plans to distribute 1 million pounds of nutritious food this year through The Full Plate Project, a new program launched to help meet the historic need caused by COVID-19.

Full Plate Project truck and bags of food ready for distribution.
YMCA staff line up to serve hundreds of individuals at a drive-up style Mobile Market at New Bedford while the Full Plate Project truck departs to drop off food to more locations.

In April 2020 alone, this resolute partner provided 60,000 pounds of food in Fall River, a community where 1 in every 5 people faces hunger.

“I am amazed at the amount of food I received,” said one resident. “Especially all the fresh vegetables and fruit. I will be able to make so many meals, and I am beyond grateful.”

With all the momentum on their side—and GBFB supplying produce, proteins, and more—YMCA Southcoast is expanding its Full Plate Project distributions into Dartmouth, New Bedford, Wareham, and Swansea.

Your continued support will help the YMCA meet their goal of providing 1 million pounds of food in 2021. Thank you for being a part of this amazing network that helps people thrive.


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