
Year: 2020

The number of people in Eastern Mass. experiencing food insecurity is expected to increase by 59% because of the COVID-19 crisis.

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New food insecurity data from Feeding America demonstrates the need for Congress to double-down on its investments in SNAP.

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Through a unique new partnership, The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) is helping airline workers stay employed.

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We need government partners and their resources brought to bear to stand with us in our work to meet the rising demand for food.

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The generosity of our donors throughout this crisis has been overwhelming, providing us critical financial support for those in need.

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YMCA Southcoast created and held its first mobile market with support from GBFB and Bristol Community College.

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Emma and Aaron bring home bags of fresh healthy food for their family every month from the Medway Village Food Pantry.

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Since the COVID-19 crisis began, The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) has been working tirelessly to safely scale up our operation.

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Everyone has a role in ending hunger and there are many ways to help. Beyond giving money, giving time can be just as rewarding.

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The strength and compassion of our community was on full display at our Mobile Market at Cambridge Health Alliance – Revere (CHA) on Saturday, April 4.

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