b'Top 5 Most Distributed Produce Items8%Apples1,601,028 LBS84% 15% 10% 8%of the food distributedPotatoes Onions Carrots 7%met GBFBs2,997,441 LBS 1,935,158 LBS 1,601,540 LBS Bananasnutrition standards 1,425,840 LBSDistribution by Category9% 8%Grains Juice and Beverage5,827,103 LBS 4,422,020 LBS7%Dairy22% 5,359,595 LBS 5% 5%34% Meals CondimentsCenter-of-the-Plate3,084,426and SaucesFresh Produce Protein 6% LBS 2,351,252 LBS22,976,777 LBS 15,189,707 LBS Fruit and3% 2%Vegetables Other Food Household/3,507,905Non-Food4,636,244 LBS LBS 1,148,498LBS$18.8M RAISED 54,000 HOURSin contributions fromput in by 21,60055932,327 generous donors enthusiastic volunteers generous food donors31,475 852 4.5M POUNDS Equivalent to 91Individuals Corporations & Foundations sorted by volunteers 3.8M MEALS of every dollar donated(123 Partners for Impact) goes directly to support hunger-relief effortsThank you for making an impact.15 THE GREATER BOSTON FOOD BANK 2019 ANNUAL REPORT'